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Life Pharmacy Ireland – Live Better

Bringing you the best health advice for your family

NHS Choices - Symptoms of a migraine


The main symptom of a migraine is usually an intense headache that occurs at the front or on one side of the head.

The pain is usually a severe throbbing sensation that gets worse when you move and prevents you from carrying out normal activities.

In some cases, the pain can occur on both sides of your head and may affect your face or neck.

Additional symptoms

Other symptoms commonly associated with a migraine include:

  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • increased sensitivity to light and sound, which is why many people with a migraine want to rest in a quiet, dark room

Some people also occasionally experience other symptoms including sweating, poor concentration, feeling very hot or very cold, abdominal (tummy) pain and diarrhoea.

Not everyone experiences these additional symptoms when they have a migraine and some people may experience them without having a headache.

The symptoms of a migraine usually last between four hours and three days, although you may feel very tired for up to a week afterwards.

Symptoms of aura

About one in three people with migraines have temporary warning symptoms, known as aura, before a migraine. These include:

  • visual problems, such as seeing flashing lights, zig-zag patterns or blind spots
  • numbness or a tingling sensation like pins and needles, which usually starts in one hand and moves up your arm before affecting your face, lips and tongue
  • feeling dizzy or off balance
  • difficulty speaking
  • loss of consciousness, although this is rare

Aura symptoms typically develop over the course of about five minutes and last for up to an hour. Some people may experience aura followed by only a mild headache or no headache at all.

When to seek medical advice

You should see your GP if you have frequent or severe migraine symptoms that cannot be managed with over the counter painkillers, such as paracetamol.

You should also make an appointment to see your GP if you have frequent migraines (on more than five days a month), even if they can be controlled with medication, as you may benefit from preventative treatment.

You should call 999 for an ambulance immediately if you or someone you are with experiences:

  • paralysis or weakness in one or both arms and/or one side of the face
  • slurred or garbled speech
  • a sudden agonising headache resulting in a blinding pain unlike anything experienced before
  • headache along with a high temperature (fever), stiff neck, mental confusion, seizures, double vision, and a rash

These symptoms may be a sign of a more serious condition, such as a stroke or meningitis, and should be assessed by a doctor as soon as possible.

Read more about diagnosing migraines.

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